Tag Archives: concert

My Kind of Town, Though Windier Than We Might Like

People who track our touring radius know that the one time we made it to Washington DC was the true anomaly on our appearances. Aside from a few flirtations with NYC and the Catskills, all of our performances have been within New England. Thanks to overtures from the American Writers Museum, we’re gonna try to sneak a bunch of typewriters through TSA and visit Chicago for a couple days.

Our perception of a Chicago Typewriter is more than a mere Thompson submachine gun…
it’s a Thompson supermachine gun outfitted with a daisy wheel!

While the AWM performance is for a fundraiser for them and you may need $5000 for a table to see us open and close the show, we have added a gig on Monday April 8 where we are going to play at the venerable Phyllis’ Musical Inn. If you’re in Chicago, come early, as we are scheduled for a 6pm start time. Or if you see a bunch of Bostonians wandering around the streets carrying typewriters, try to point us in the right direction.

Monday April 8, 2019 6pm
Phyllis’ Musical Inn
1800 W Division St, Chicago IL

Tuesday April 9, 2019
American Writer’s Museum fundraiser <private event>
Chicago, IL